The CRF would like to sincerely thank all its funders for their donations over the years. Their contributions have allowed the CRF to develop projects and initiatives which otherwise would not have been possible.


Total Donations received in 2023: $33,338


Special acknowledgement to our corporate donor Siemens Healthineers for their contribution.


The CRF would like to publicly recognize the following donors:

Zersenay Alem
Bill Anderson
Jose Aquino
Adel Assaf
Sandra Bosse
Louis-Martin Boucher
Pierre Bourgouin
British Columbia Radiological Society 
Peter Bromley
Barry Caplan
Paula Cashin
Jeff Chankowsky
Carl Chartrand-Lefebvre
Joseph Chin
Daniela Codreanu
Andreu Costa
Dominic Dauphinais
Carole Dennie
Sukhvinder Dhillon
Ramy El Jabout
Brenda Farnquist
Martin Finnegan
Carolyn Flegg
Rachel Fleming
Bruce Forster
James Fraser
Veronique Freire
Christopher Fung
Danielle Gilbert
Paula Gordon
Natalia Gorelik
David Grayet
Ian Hammond
Alison Harris
Yoan Kagoma
Victor Kiavash
Ania Kielar
Iain Kirkpatrick
Anish Kirpalani
Nadine Koff
Sarah Koles
Mario Kontolemos
David Lautner
Emil Lee
Wolim Lee
Brian Lentle
Jacques Levesque
David Li
Marcos Loreto Sampaio
Andrea Lum
John Lysack
Stewart MacMillan
Micheal McInnis
Willie Miller
Florence Morin-Roy
Elsie Nguyen
Barbara Nitsch
Israel Ola-Olorub
Michael Patlas
Lyette Perreault
Angela Pickles
Eric Pike
Gopee-Ramanan Prasaanthan
Linda Probyn
Herly Pulgar Hughes
Jean Seely
Connie Siu
Gilles Soulez
Lawrence Stein
Joel Yvon Suyrette
An Tang
Jana Taylor
Antonio Tongue
David Vickar
Richard Walker
Isabelle Zheng
Charles Zwirewich
Carl Zylak

Thank You Donors!