Canada Safe Imaging (CSI) was formed in 2015 to address the need for a national strategy and action plan as it relates to radiation safety for medical imaging in Canada, based on the recommendations from the Bonn Call-for-Action.

CSI’s vision is:

  • To strengthen medical radiation protection in patients and health care workers and foster a culture of radiation safety in healthcare in Canada.
  • To develop an action plan relating to radiation safety for medical imaging care in Canada.
  • To support evidence-based best practice guidelines.
  • To facilitate a strategic approach to conduct scientific inquiry on the effects of radiation on human health.

The Canadian Radiological Foundation (CRF) is offering a $500 Radiation Safety Award which would be attributed to the best poster presentation aligned with a minimum of one of the five main priorities identified by CSI, namely:

  • Optimization
  • Justification
  • Quality and safety
  • Education
  • Research

The Award gets presented during the Awards Ceremony of the Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) of the Canadian Association of Radiologists.


2023: Dr. Moulay Ali Nassiri (Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Estrie – Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke) for Pilot Project to Monitor Patient Radiation Exposure in Medical Imaging Implanted at CIUSSS de l’Estrie – CHUS, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada

2024: Dr. Kaitlin Zaki-Metias from the Department of Radiology, Trinity Health Oakland Hospital/Wayne State University School of Medicine for Impact of a Collaborative Small Bowel Obstruction Imaging and Care Protocol with the General Surgery Service on Radiation Exposure and Resource Utilization